Content Writing

Writing is the foundation for pretty much any content that you publish.

What Is Content Writing?

Content writing is a type of professional marketing writing created for an online audience. Marketers and business owners publish content, or copy, online for many reasons. They may look to increase the traffic to their website or to inform their customers about a new product or service. Business professionals often hire content writers to produce high-quality messages for sales copy, blogs, articles, and social media posts. The writer must understand the audience to write successful copy that appeals to them.

The 5 Vital Steps for a
Successful Content Writing Process

The decision to upgrade your website is a big one. It requires time, money, and energy.

Set Content Goals

You might need to invest in testimonials, customer success stories, and live demos. Other content like email newsletters, case studies, and podcasts can work for several funnel points depending on the subject angle.


Use storytelling and make your content actionable by using examples, illustrations, charts, and other elements. Ensure that your audience learns from each piece of content, and you’re not simply regurgitating competitor content.

Publish and Distribute

Get the most out of your content by repurposing it. Convert podcasts to blog posts and blog posts to LinkedIn posts. Make YouTube videos using content from past articles. Repurposing content gets more eyeballs on your hard work.

Perform Audience Research

Experts recommend creating a buyer persona, shown to be highly effective. HubSpot found marketing personas make websites 2 to 5 times more effective for targeted users. A buyer persona is a detailed profile of your audience.

Hone Your Content Strategy

Content strategy is a major part of the content development process. It involves researching, planning, and executing content ideas.

Content Writing
package prices per month

These packages can be custom tailored for your individual needs.


3,000 Words per Month
1 – 300+ article
1 – 500+ word article
1 – 700+ word article
1 – 1,500+ word article
Keyword Research
Meta data: keywords, page title, meta description, headings, tags, permalinks
1 Royalty-free optimized image per article (includes keyword file name)


5,000 Words per Month
1 – 600+ article
2 – 700+ word article
2 – 1,500+ word article

Keyword Research
Meta data: keywords, page title, meta description, headings, tags, permalinks
1 Royalty-free optimized image per article (includes keyword file name)


8,300 Words per Month
2 – 500+ article
4 – 700+ word article
3 – 1,500+ word article

Keyword Research
Meta data: keywords, page title, meta description, headings, tags, permalinks
2 Royalty-free optimized images per article (includes keyword file name)
30 minute marketing consultation via phone and/or screensharing

Content Writing is an
Important Part of Marketing

Content writing helps you in building a relationship with your audience and interest them in coming back for more. The power of well-written content should never be underestimated because it can make a huge difference in your overall campaign.

Helps build brand awareness

People need time and awareness to like your products. Pushing your business ideas is not an overnight process. You need to get consumers on your side and let them discover more and more about what you are selling. Writing an appealing content and then publishing it on various channels for your target audiences can help you a lot in the process

Written content helps in Search Engine Optimization

Without content, Search Engine Optimization of your marketing feels crippled. Well written content with clever (and most searched) keywords consistency is an essential part of Search Engine Optimization and boosting the brands’ google rankings. A video ranks higher when there is written content with it.

Writing helps establish your business

When you talk about your industry regularly by sharing insights, trends and news, it leaves a good impression on the audience. Content writing allows you to be active in your field and present your business ideas in various forms and on multiple platforms. Posting regular content lets people know what your business is about.

Good content earns links from other websites

Posting good and informative content on your website that is relevant to your product and industry never goes in vain. Not only it drives traffic of good readers and like-minded individuals to your website but over time, people will also start to mention and link this content when discussing your products or services. This can also bring fortune to your SERP rankings.

What We do

Business owners and marketing managers don’t want to spend time creating written content. They need someone who can represent the company and at the same time engage readers through the written word. 

A content writer does these things with excellence. In offering the skills with clear understanding and excellent work, this type of writer becomes an invaluable asset to any company. That value translates into income. 

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